Sunday, July 25, 2010
Today... A friend of mine came. Gloria. haha. I'm getting John Grisham-esque here. back to the story, Gloria came n registered herself at UPSI. She came with her mummy and know what? her nickname!haha..her mum calls her 'mit' which means 'small' when translated in iban. haha. she really is small. haha. Well... I was given a task of taking care of her like my own sis. What?haha... I just take it as an asiignment la...hehe...yala... she's just a small girl what, plus she has never been away from her parents. lalala. lucky her I'm a big brother myself, so the taking care stuff is easy tuff.hehe... she looks pretty. Well... I alwys think she's pretty. But anyway, the whole of next week will boring i guess. It's always been. Yups. None are 'ngam' with me i guess. I don't know.