Tuesday, September 27, 2011

UPSI and whatever…

Seems that UPSI is getting way outta hand. I just checked the student’s portal and I found out the latest news and quite interesting too.

This shit is like wow right? I immediately downloaded the PDF version of the AUKU shit. And I my eyes prowl for this Kaedah 48 shit. And what did I found?

Hukuman tatatertib
48. Seseorang pelajar yang melakukan kesalahan tatatertib di bawah Kaedah-Kaedah ini didapati bersalah atas kesalahan itu boleh dikenakan mana-mana satu atau mana-mana gabungan dua atau lebih hukuman yang sesuai berikut:-
a) amaran
b) denda tidak melebihi dua ratus ringgit
c) dilarang daripada mana-mana bahagian atau nahagian tertentu Universiti bagi tempoh yang ditetapkan;
d) digantung daripada menjadi seorang pelajar Universiti bagi tempoh yang ditetapkan;
e)dipecat daripada Universiti.
(Akta Universiti dan Kolej Universiti 1971, Tatatertib Pelajar-Pelajar)

I was like, wow. I saw and read nothing on clothing. What is this UPSI? Some kind of oppressive movement? Since when is wearing clothes to one’s liking be an offence here? This shit is ridiculous. I don’t know that wearing clothes not to the guard’s or whoever there is preferences are an offence. Fuck it.