Saturday, January 8, 2011

Sundays and Laziness...

Come Sunday, Christians and Jews (probably), will go to churches and synagogues and pay their respects to their maker and give thanks for the air that they're breathing each day. Yeah. People from all walks of life will take their breaks on Sundays and just enjoy this blessed day. Why am I getting all worked up this Sunday morning? I don't know. I missed the Mass intentionally due to unaccepted reason of waking up late padahal the alarm screams at 8.30 a.m. So yeah. Nevermind. I will come next week for the mass and pray. Yes.

Time flies so fast. Without me knowing, it's already Sunday and my first week in second semester is drawing to a close in most glamorous ways. Yeah. Ways. Surprisingly, I didn't have the slightest bit of rindu towards my hometown. Maybe I had prepared myself subliminally for all this shit. Maybe. I WILL get hit by that homesickness disease in no time. Trust me.

I miss this.

Yeah. The beers, the girls, the visitors and the foods. Not too late to wish right? Merry Christmas and a happy new year!
